My Beach

My Beach

As y’all know, I recently got the chance to go home to Florida and escape the hustle and bustle of New York.
Given the weather up north, I was pleasantly surprised to step off the plane and be drenched in sunshine and warmth. I know that’s what it’s like in Florida, but somehow I’m always still shocked. How is it SO bright?!
But the weather isn’t the only amazing thing about calling Florida home. The warmth of the people, the closeness of family, and the more relaxed lifestyle brings comfort to my soul. Sometimes the slower pace of life is just what I need to feel rejuvenated. Not surprising is the fact that the beach plays an important part of my life and that rejuvenation. Feeling the sand between my toes, hearing the waves roll and crash, and watching the sun set behind the dunes is an experience that always brings me peace and clarity. I know that sometimes the holidays can be inherently stressful. Whether you’re preparing to entertain, wrapping up projects at work, or feeling the pressure to find the perfect gift, things can get a little hectic this time of year. Personally I’ve been traveling a lot for work, gift hunting, keeping up with the blog, and recovering from a cold. It can be overwhelming at times! That’s why I feel it’s so important to make some time for yourself and take stock of what’s really important. My trip to the beach helped me relax and remember what the holidays are really all about. And hey, if my Christmas cards don’t go out on the exact day I wanted, then it’s not really the end of the world! For my sunset stroll, I opted for my favorite pair of white FRAME jeans and a cozy oatmeal sweater from Vince. I don’t really subscribe to that no white after Labor Day rule…just call me a rebel! I think winter white outfits can be so chic and a breath of fresh air in a sea of dark outfits. I also love this sweater because it’s the perfect weight to combat the chills from the ocean breeze, but the ladder-stitching keeps it breathable. The cashmere blend is super soft, and I love that I can wear it both in Florida and New York! I had such an amazing trip and am grateful I could carve out time for a personal escape to the beach. I can’t wait to visit again over the holidays!
What about you dolls? Do you have a place that brings you comfort and peace?


Hazel Cashmere Sweater: Vince.  Winter White Jeans: FRAME.  Hamptons Sandal: Jack Rogers.


  • Carlee McDot
    December 17, 2016 9:40 pm

    Isn’t going somewhere that has abundant sunshine AMAZING?! That’s why we will continue to pay a HIGH Sunshine Tax to live in SoCal… so worth every penny to us!


    • brownpaperdoll
      December 20, 2016 1:07 am

      It’s so true! I miss the sunshine of home as soon as I leave! I can’t wait to head back for the holidays. Thanks for reading Carlee! Xo

  • Helen Chik
    December 18, 2016 7:27 am

    I actually love going for runs along the beach and find it so peaceful when you just have endless stretches of coastline and some great music! You look amazing in those jeans babe! xx

    Helen xx

    • brownpaperdoll
      December 20, 2016 1:07 am

      I feel the same way Helen! Thanks for your sweet words babe! Xo

  • Sarah @ The Blonde Giraffe
    December 18, 2016 5:40 pm

    There is something so calming about being by the water. You look so adorable in that outfit and those jeans fit you like a glove!!! So gorg!

    • brownpaperdoll
      December 20, 2016 1:08 am

      Thanks Sarah! It was so great to escape to the beach and enjoy the sunset! Really appreciate you reading love! Xo

  • ellie
    December 19, 2016 3:11 pm

    oh to be on that beach with my toes in the ocean right now. I’m bundled up in every layer I own here LMAO! You look fabulous! That sweater and those white jeans look amazing on you!


    • brownpaperdoll
      December 20, 2016 1:09 am

      Hey Ellie! I am too! I’m still in New York this week, but can’t wait to head back to a Florida for the holidays. Really appreciate you reading! Thanks for the complement on the look babe! Xo

  • Kusum
    December 20, 2016 9:40 pm

    What I would give to be on the beach now, lucky you! You look adorable, enjoy your time. Super cute sandals btw.
    xx, Kusum |

    • brownpaperdoll
      December 21, 2016 6:06 am

      I feel the same way! Can’t wait to go back! Thanks for reading Kusum! Xo

  • Leopard Couture
    December 21, 2016 6:27 pm

    These pictures scream peaceful! They are so beautiful, and you look so stunning in that Vince sweater! Glad you got a little escape 🙂 xx- Mitra

    • brownpaperdoll
      December 22, 2016 12:44 am

      Thank you Mitra! It was so nice to get away. Can’t wait to head back and spend more time there with family over the holidays. Thanks for reading love! Xo

  • Chelsea
    December 22, 2016 7:58 pm

    Gorgeous photos lady! I love your cozy & crisp outfit. Totally agree about the beach, anywhere with a body of water is my happy place!

    Chow Down USA

    • brownpaperdoll
      December 23, 2016 3:50 am

      It’s totally my happy place too! I can’t wait to go back. Thanks for reading and your sweet words Chelsea! Xo

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