My Golden Rule

My Golden Rule



Ok, so I’ll be honest. I shop more than the average person. I’ve always liked nice things, and fashion is definitely my passion. While I do have a continuous list of things I’m lusting after, I’m definitely not one to buy every single item I like or see myself in. Of course, there are budgetary restraints that keep my shopping addiction at bay, but I think there are also other factors at play.


Everyone has items in their closet that makes them think, “What in the world was I thinking?” I really try to keep those situations to a minimum, even though they are definitely there! So how does a shopaholic decide what’s worth pulling the AMEX trigger on? Enter my golden rule.


Before I buy any fashion item, I must be able to see myself wearing the item with three different things, to create three distinct looks. With this golden rule, I exercise creativity on the spot to see how this item would play along with the other items in my closet. This way, I can ensure this item is versatile, and not just a one-wear-wonder! Recently, I fell in love with a bright blazer that was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, when I thought of how I would wear it – the outfits weren’t different enough. It was some variation of a pair of jeans and a white or black top. Bye, bye blazer.


The golden rule might sound silly, but it’s helped me weed out a lot of impulse buys that wouldn’t stand the test of time in my wardrobe. Now, the majority of clothes I own are classic pieces I’ve had for a while, and the new things are items I can see myself wearing for a while. Next time you make a purchase, do you think you’ll use the golden rule of 3?

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