Tag: imogene + willie


Support Live Musicians


So….it’s been a while. Sorry I’ve been so MIA for the past several weeks. First, I spent two weeks in Los Angeles shooting new commercials for work. It was such a fun experience, but I really wanted to dedicate myself to focusing on work, and unfortunately the blog had to take a back seat.


BUT, before I left for the sunshine and palm trees of LA, the lovely and talented Jacque agreed to shoot some of my new picks for Spring. I use the term Spring lightly, since there was still snow on the ground in New York. One of my absolute favorite purchases in recent months has been my Gucci Princetown loafers. They’re so comfortable and bring a boyish ease to any outfit. I love throwing them on with jeans and a tee (as seen here), or even a flowy midi dress. For this outfit, I paired my new loafers with a pair of high-waisted embroidered jeans and a graphic tee with a special message. If you can’t make out the words, the shirt reads “ Support Live Music, Hire Live Musicians.” Purchased at Imogene & Willie, a Nashville staple, the shirt is an ode their hometown and the spirit of music city. As the wife of a once struggling Nashville musician, the shirt really resonated. Not to mention, a portion of the proceeds are donated to a local Nashville music school for children of low-income families. Sold.


In addition to my trip to LA, I’ve had a lot of other changes that I’ve been working through. I’m excited to share the news that Jason and I have officially decided to move back to Atlanta! He’s accepted a new role that he’s excited about, and I’ll be transferring with my current agency. While it’s definitely bittersweet to be leaving New York, Jason and I are thrilled to start a new chapter. Who knows what the future holds, but we think this is the right move for our family and what we hope to achieve in the next couple of years. SO…that means we’ve been a bit preoccupied coordinating the move, figuring out work situations, and just overall planning to get ourselves back down South! I hope y’all can be patient with me if I’m a little slower to post for the next couple of weeks as we get settled. Thanks for bearing with me, and I’m excited about bringing Brown Paper Doll to Atlanta!


Melia Moto Jacket: Iro.  T-Shirt: Imogene + Willie.  Roses Denim: Topshop.  Princetown Loafers: Gucci.  Sunglasses: Givenchy (sold out, similar).  Handbag: Chanel.