Tag: dollhouse


The House


So sorry I’ve been a little MIA as of recently, but I have great news to share! We bought a house! Between the house logistics, work and travel – I’ve had limited time to post, but I hope you all understand and are excited about even better content that’s coming to Brown Paper Doll soon!


So details on the house…


You all know I’ve been very honest about the adjustment from New York City back to Atlanta. Over the past year, I’ve missed my job in New York, my friends, and just the life that Jason and I built in the big city. While I don’t regret making the move, I’ve had to remind myself that Jason and I made the change for a reason.  We wanted to be closer to my family in Florida and create some roots in a place that would allow us to start our own family someday.  Well, a little over a year after moving, and I feel like we’ve made a huge step in that direction.


I’m excited about taking this new step for my family, and of course….decorating! While I’ll still be keeping fashion at the forefront, I hope to share some developments on the house with you all too! Here’s to the dollhouse and to taking this new step!