Tag: brown paper doll


My Tattoo


So I haven’t talked about it on the blog as yet, but this past year I got my very first tattoo! I had been wanting one for years; but as an overly cautious person, I took my time making my decision. Even when I decided that I definitely wanted it (after years of consideration), I still gave myself one extra year to be certain. I told myself, if you still want this in a year, then go for it! So that’s what I did!


I knew that for my first tattoo I wanted one person, in particular, to be with me. And no…it wasn’t my husband! When I was in my early teens, I was spending the summer in Dublin and had gone with my brother’s partner to get one of his tattoos. So I always had that special memory of Robie and myself doing something together. I knew that when it was my turn, I wanted him (the only person in my immediate family to have a tattoo) to be with me and share another special moment together. I also knew that I wanted to do it in Ireland, which I consider my home away from home. Lastly, I really wanted a badass chick to be my tattoo artist, because….girl power!

So the year before I actually got my ink, I started researching tattoo artists in Dublin. I stumbled across Niamh Coughlin who is incredible, and I thought could really capture the dainty design I was looking for. I messaged Niamh while on last year’s trip, and she was able to squeeze me in. In all honesty, I messaged her last minute because I wanted to give myself the out (I was being a total chicken) if she couldn’t fit me into her schedule. But, alas…she did!


So here’s the good part….what I got! Well, ever since I was an art history student in high-school, the term “Flâneur” stood out to me. In the 19th century Paris, the term referred to a man who wandered or strolled around Paris observing the life of the city. Originally coined by Baudelaire, the term refers to a person who isn’t walking to get from one place to the next, but rather truly experiencing their surroundings and culture. Of course the landscape of France during this time as a hub for leisure, fashion and design also resonate with me. When I studied art history in college, I truly began to love the term started to adopt this stance of experiencing life and modernity as a sort of personal mantra. I hope to not just rush through life from one experience to the next, but instead relish in the now, my surroundings, where I’ve been and not necessarily knowing where I might go. Of course, I had to update the masculine term to feminine – “Flâneuse” which is what my actual tattoo says. And there you have it… a little peek into the window of my psyche, what matters to me, and how I view the world.


What about you, dolls? Do you have any meaningful words that you carry with you – tattoo or not? Tell me about them in the comments below or on social media!


Why I Blog

With the new year starting not too long ago, I’ve been reflecting upon the past year’s accomplishments and goals for the future. Just in 2016, I traveled to new places, got a new job, made new friends, and beat Jason countless times in Jeopardy! But one of my most special accomplishments has been this…starting my blog! I must admit, it’s a lot harder than it seems to overcome the inertia and start a passion project. Not only do you have to find the resources to get things going, but also muster the courage to simply put yourself out there. So as I think about my personal goals for 2017, I thought I would share with you a little more about Brown Paper Doll.
Like many others, I fell in love with fashion at a very early age. And as I’ve grown, so has my love for all things stylish. As bloggers continued to rise in popularity, I soon found myself following my favorites and finding inspiration for my own wardrobe. *Side note, some of my favorite bloggers over the years include Atlantic to Pacific, Happily Grey, and Cupcakes & Cashmere. I actually remember thinking about starting my very own blog in 2012! I thought…I love fashion, people always complement me on my outfits, I have nice clothes and some high-end pieces… I should go for it! But something always stopped me… I always felt like I was meant to be an admirer and not a creator. Well I guess 2016 was my year to change that perspective.
After going through a rough time and feeling an overwhelming amount of negativity, I felt like I needed something to bring back some joy to my life. The idea of a blog sounded appealing once more…but this time it was different. Yes I have nicer clothes now, and I live in New York City, but my perspective and the overwhelming support from the most amazing friends and family were really what pushed me to move forward with my endeavor. I now had support to help me get started with photography, with web coding, with the writing, and to simply lend a listening ear – you all know who you are so thank you! Which brings me to the main idea of this post… why I blog.
I started this blog to be cathartic in a sense, express some bottled creativity, and light up a different side of my brain that I don’t necessarily use all the time. I feel the positive energy from spending time on a passion of mine and pursuing a hobby outside of work, cooking dinner, and a bedtime read. But I’m also blogging to silence the part of me that told myself I was a bystander and not a creator, that I didn’t look like the typical blogger who filled my newsfeeds. But I soon realized you don’t have to be or look a certain type of way to go for what you want. This sounds cliché, but diversity is beautiful! And yes, sometimes I still get embarrassed and self-conscious and think I look fat in photos, or I don’t have all the clothes I want, or I’m doing this all for nothing or only a handful of people who follow me – but at least I’m doing it. Time will tell how my style and my blog will continue to evolve, but to those of you reading, thank you! Here’s to following our passions, going out of our comfort zones, and hopefully buying some great new shoes!